
The Economic Institute of Cambodia is an independent think-tank which provides essential information and a thorough insight into Cambodia's socio-economic development.

EIC bases itself on presenting reliable, accurate and research-based data and analysis of the country's economic trends to participate in the formulation of sustainable economic development policies and strategies for Cambodia.

Our objectives are to provide a better understanding of the economy with socio-economic research, to actively and critically participate in formulating economic policies and strategies, and to satisfy the needs of policy makers and decision makers for accurate and relevant information in their quest to secure sustainable economic development for Cambodia.

It is the mission of the EIC to enhance the awareness of Cambodian stakeholders on development issues and to participate in the formulation of sustainable economic development policies and strategies that will equitably benefit most, if not all, Cambodians.

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Our Main Activities

EIC focus on developing Cambodia's socio-economic database and modelling, conducting policy-oriented research on issues of relevance in trade, investment, poverty reduction, private sector development, social justice, economic governance, and other areas. Disseminating information and research findings through publications, seminars, consulting, and the media.

Economic Data and Research
  • Extensive data on Cambodia's economy
  • The General Equilibrium Model for Cambodia (GEMC)
  • Long-term economic outlook and projections
  • Policy Oriented Research
  • Publications
  • Seminars and Conferences
  • Media
Private Sector Development Service
  • The growing role of the private sector in achieving sustainable development and poverty alleviation.
  • Private sector development as one of the major focus areas of our research and consultancy activities.
  • Promoting enterprises that drive the economic growth.
Macro Economic Monitoring & Forecasting (M&E) Service
  • The only organization in Cambodia that possesses a Computable General Equilibrium Model.
  • A framework for sectoral and micro studies to follow.
  • Help identify in detail the trend and the strengths and weaknesses of the Cambodian economy.
Development Projects Monitoring & Evaluation Service
  • Effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
  • A central role in ensuring accountability, informing decision making, and more broadly, facilitating learning.
  • Design and implement monitoring and evaluation systems for projects and programs.